Strona 3 z 6

: wtorek, 20 lutego 2007, 10:35
autor: Miltado
Lusylia nie jestem pewien co do mojej ekstraweryczności. Wg mnie mam 50% Introwertyzmu i 50% Ekstrawertyzmu.

Chyba ESFJ rzeczywiście do mnie pasuje...

: wtorek, 20 lutego 2007, 14:40
autor: Czekolada
Scumbag- ENFP
73% Extraversion, 80% Intuition, 40% Thinking, 13% Judging
I have a feeling you're not going to like this much. Do I care? No. How do I know? It's because you hate criticism. You love to be loved and you'll do anything to be accepted.

Unfortunately for you, I can see right through your insincere compliments and over-the-top greetings. No matter what you do, I'll always hate you for what you are. An arrogant, unstable, overly enthusiastic scumbag.

I bet you're pretty proud of your accomplishments, huh? You seem to achieve at whatever you put your little mind too. Trust me. Nobody likes the person who is good at everything. NOBODY LIKES YOU.

This might also have something to do with the fact that you're a cheating machine. You're just not the type of person to make long-term commitments. You enjoy seeing "what could be", rather than being satisfied with "what is." This, of course, means you often leave others in the dust while you seek out another lover.

Well, at least you're not the one left in the dust.

Unfortunately, when you're the one lying in the gutter with a bloody knife in your back, you might think differently.
Zgadza sie tylko po spojrzeniu na ten tekst z przymruzeniem oka.

A krytyka 'najeżona' faktami i dowodami dla kazdego jest dobra, mimo too ... '_'.

A modlitwa dla ENFP idealnie mnie obrazuje ... uch. Niestety ta cecha czasem doprowadza mnie lub innych do skrajnosci.

: wtorek, 20 lutego 2007, 15:28
autor: Gabriel
Freak- INFJ
46% Extraversion, 73% Intuition, 40% Thinking, 60% Judging

Busy Body- ENFJ
73% Extraversion, 73% Intuition, 46% Thinking, 60% Judging
You manipulative busybody! You're what some might call the "backseat driver" of life. You know, the one who knows exactly what everyone else is doing wrong and how they should go about fixing it. You're always trying to change everyone else.
The strange thing is, you can generally get whoever you want, to do whatever you want. What's that? You want me to stop insulting you...well, alright...but only because you asked so nic...WAIT A MINUTE!

Stop sticking your cumbersome nose where it aint't wanted. You're like an oversized sniffer dog, trained to sniff out everyone else's problems, yet oblivious to your own.

For one you worry excessively. The fact that you're also incredibly sensitive to criticism probably has you on the verge of tears right now. Get a grip.

You have powers of manipulation unlike any other. You know all the gossip and you know how to ultimately use it as blackmailing material.

You could potentially be the ultimate evil villain... if not for the fact you choose to use all of your powers for good, rather than evil. How honourable. How admirable and praiseworthy. How pathetic. While you're helping others out and pushing them into the limelight, you're left in the background to inhale the dirty smoke of their success. Nice one.

Co do Intuition i Judging się zgadzam. Pozostały nawet identyczne. Jestem E więc nowe wyniki bardziej trafne. Thinking skoczyło mi z 40% na 46%. Zastanawiające. Co gorsza w życiu też zaczynam coraz bardziej ufać rozumowi :/ Straciłem trochę tej spontaniczności. Może jestem ciut zdrowszy, ale z drugiej strony nie chcę stracić mojej emocjonalności. Btw. ENTJ też trochę pasuję. Jak zaczyna mnie życie nadto wku*wiać to przechylam się w stronę ENTJ.
O! A im więcej spędzam czasu na tym forum tym bardziej zmierzam ku
"Crackpot - INTJ
People hate you. "

: wtorek, 20 lutego 2007, 15:50
autor: Czekolada

: wtorek, 27 lutego 2007, 15:00
autor: nutshell
Byłam pewna że jestem freakiem, a tu niespodziewajka:

Almost Perfect- INFP
33% Extraversion, 73% Intuition, 40% Thinking, 26% Judging
So, you want to make the world a better place? Too bad it's never gonna happen.
Of all the types, you have to be one of the hardest to find fault in. You have a selfless and caring nature. You're a good listener and someone who wants to avoid conflict. You genuinely desire to do good.
Of course, these all add up to an incredibly overpowered conscience which makes you feel guilty and responsible when anything goes wrong. Of course, it MUST be your fault EVERYTIME.
Though you're constantly on a mission to find the truth, you have no use for hard facts and logic, which is a source of great confusion for those of us with brains. Despite this, in a losing argument, you're not above spouting off inaccurate fact after fact in an effort to protect your precious values.
You're most probably a perfectionist, which in this case, is a bad thing. Any group work is destined to fail because of your incredibly high standards.
Disregard what I said before. You're just easy to find fault in as everyone else!
Luckily, you're generally very hard on yourself, meaning I don't need to waste my precious time insulting you. Instead, just find all your own faults and insult yourself.

: wtorek, 27 lutego 2007, 16:16
autor: SenSorry
Prick- ENTP
66% Extraversion, 60% Intuition, 66% Thinking, 40% Judging
People love to hate you, because you love to argue. The strange thing is you probably took that as a compliment. Why, I bet you've already got a witty comeback all lined up ready to throw right back at me.

What you don't realise is that your inane obsession with debating pisses everyone off. Whatever happened to us all trying to get alone? I mean, you're so annoying people disagree with you for the damn sake of it! NOBODY cares about your abundant opinions. Trust me.

Believe it or not, but there's more to life than your expansive knowledge and sharp repertoire. When was the last time you showered? Brushed your teeth?

While you're up in Nevernever land, getting excited over future possibilities and your crazy theories, WE have to put up with your awful stench. I can smell you from here.

Your personality is ideal for that of a future lawyer and because everyone already hates you, you have nothing to lose.
Moim zdaniem nie pasuje do mnie :/. Bardziej do mojego ojca i pewnie w tym tkwi bolączka. W sumie paru pytań nie rozumiałam i zaznaczyłam co popadnie. Ja chcę mój ENFP!

: sobota, 7 kwietnia 2007, 15:47
autor: Aristoss
Scumbag- ENFP
66% Extraversion, 73% Intuition, 40% Thinking, 43% Judging

: wtorek, 10 kwietnia 2007, 23:38
autor: Wawelski
Clown- ESFP
53% Extraversion, 50% Intuition, 46% Thinking, 43% Judging
Czyli takie ESFP/ENFP, a E mam w porywach. Wiedziałem, że trochę zmysłowy jestem 8)
Congratulations. You are the buffoon of society, the class clown, the general funny guy/gal. Your purpose on earth was to serve as entertainment for the rest of us sane ones. We're laughing with you and at you. Some people would kill to be as funny as you. Other would rather just kill you.

You're spontaneous, fun-loving and optimistic. You're all in all an idiot.

You wanna know why? It's because you would rather have fun than concentrate on your duties and obligations. You act before you think. You talk before you think. All in all, you don't think that much at all.

You did terribly at school, didn't you? You were the class clown. Paid no respect to the teachers or to your fellow students. Paid no attention to your school work. And look where you are now... starting to regret your decisions?

Get down to earth. Find a real job and start taking care of your responsibilities. Sure, people love you, but they don't love you because they like you. They love you because you make them laugh. They love you because they can always look at you and say "Well, at least I did better off than him or her!"

...but at least you’re funny, right?
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

: środa, 11 kwietnia 2007, 00:19
autor: ewutek ... 7116464195
Crackpot - INTJ
13% Extraversion, 66% Intuition, 66% Thinking, 53% Judging
"Pomyleniec", tia... :lol:

: czwartek, 12 lipca 2007, 17:00
autor: kidziorek
Your Score: Scumbag- ENFP
60% Extraversion, 66% Intuition, 33% Thinking, 13% Judging

I have a feeling you're not going to like this much. Do I care? No. How do I know? It's because you hate criticism. You love to be loved and you'll do anything to be accepted.

Unfortunately for you, I can see right through your insincere compliments and over-the-top greetings. No matter what you do, I'll always hate you for what you are. An arrogant, unstable, overly enthusiastic scumbag.

I bet you're pretty proud of your accomplishments, huh? You seem to achieve at whatever you put your little mind too. Trust me. Nobody likes the person who is good at everything. NOBODY LIKES YOU.

This might also have something to do with the fact that you're a cheating machine. You're just not the type of person to make long-term commitments. You enjoy seeing "what could be", rather than being satisfied with "what is." This, of course, means you often leave others in the dust while you seek out another lover.

Well, at least you're not the one left in the dust.

Unfortunately, when you're the one lying in the gutter with a bloody knife in your back, you might think differently.
No to wszystko jasne :D
I wynik sie pokrywa z smillarminds krótkim
60% Extraversion, 66% Intuition, 33% Thinking, 13% Judging

Extroverted 65.71% Intuitive 60.53% Thinking 30.3% Judging 15.63%

: czwartek, 12 lipca 2007, 17:04
autor: Czekolada
Wawelski pisze: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Mi też to wyszło na początku, na niektóre słowa gały mi wyszły jak Tobie, więc cofnęłam, bardziej się zastanowiłam i wyszło to co wyjść powinno :) .

: poniedziałek, 24 września 2007, 22:26
autor: jsk
Borefest - ISTJ
20% Extraversion,
46% Intuition,
60% Thinking,
60% Judging
One word. Boring. Sums you up to a tee. You're responsible, trustworthy, serious and down to earth. Boring. Boring. Boring.

You play by the rules. You follow tradition. You encourage structure.
You insist that EVERYBODY do EVERYTHING by the book. Seriously, is there even an ounce of imagination in that little brain of yours? I mean, what's the point of imagination, right? It has no practical value...
s far as you're concerned, abstract theories can go screw themselves. You just want the facts, all the facts and nothing but the facts.
Oh. And you're a perfectionist. About everything. You know that the previous sentence was gramattically incorrect and that "gramattically" was spelt wrong. Your financial records are correct to 25 decimal places and your bedroom is in pristine condition. In fact, you even don't sleep on your bed anymore for fear that you might crease the sheets.
Thankfully, you don't have anyone else to share the bed with, because you're uncomfortable expressing affection and emotion to others. Too bad.

: wtorek, 25 września 2007, 00:05
autor: kidziorek
Może trzeba zmienić literki ? :D

: wtorek, 25 września 2007, 08:50
autor: jsk
kidziorek pisze:Może trzeba zmienić literki ? :D
jakoś ISTJ nie za bardzo pasuje do mnie, ten opis należy raczej potraktować z przymrużeniem oka

: środa, 26 września 2007, 22:24
autor: Todeswalzer
Pollyanna- INFP
26% Extraversion, 80% Intuition, 33% Thinking, 46% Judging

So, you want to make the world a better place? Too bad it's never gonna happen.

Of all the types, you have to be one of the hardest to find fault in. You have a selfless and caring nature. You're a good listener and someone who wants to avoid conflict. You genuinely desire to do good.

Of course, these all add up to an incredibly overpowered conscience which makes you feel guilty and responsible when anything goes wrong. Of course, it MUST be your fault EVERYTIME.

Though you're constantly on a mission to find the truth, you have no use for hard facts and logic, which is a source of great confusion for those of us with brains. Despite this, in a losing argument, you're not above spouting off inaccurate fact after fact in an effort to protect your precious values.

You're most probably a perfectionist, which in this case, is a bad thing. Any group work is destined to fail because of your incredibly high standards.

Disregard what I said before. You're just easy to find fault in as everyone else!

Luckily, you're generally very hard on yourself, meaning I don't need to waste my precious time insulting you. Instead, just find all your own faults and insult yourself.
cholera... raz INFJ, raz INFP... ja już naprawdę nie wiem który typ jest mojszy... a wszelkie informacje o tych typach nic mi nie wyjaśniają, bo zbyt wiele cech mam zarówno z obserwatora jak i sędziego... : |